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Ramadan is a month long period of fasting and prayer in the Islamic calendar. Religious Muslims will fast all food and drink (including water) during daylight hours, and devote extra time and energy to prayer.  This is also an opportunity for Christians to intercede for Muslims to come to faith in Jesus.


God tells us that those who seek Him will find Him if they seek Him with all of their heart (Jer. 29:13). There are many, many stories of Muslims who have encountered Jesus as they sought God during Ramadan. Please pray with us for Jesus to be revealed to Muslims during this special month of prayer. 


White Fabric


Wed, May 12

"He sends out His word and melts them; He causes His wind to blow, and the waters flow."

Psalm 147:18


Ramadan ends tonight at sunset, but our intercession does not have to end. There is a wind blowing across the house of Islam, and Muslims are coming to faith in Christ Jesus! We will continue to pray for Muslims, both in our community and across the world.


Today, please pray that the Lord will send His Spirit, that gentle wind to blow across the hearts of Muslims in your community, convicting them of Truth and bringing them to the great Prince of Peace.


For an amazing account of Muslims coming to faith in Jesus and impacting the world for the Kingdom, check out the following story:

Lone Walk


Tues, May 11

"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you took me in" Matt 25:35


Those who have traveled internationally without a support network know what it is to be a "stranger" without friend, family, or familiarity in a foreign land. As Christians, it is not only our responsibility, but also our privilege to be ambassadors of our King in welcoming the "stranger" who is so vulnerable.


Today, pray that Muslims in your city would encounter Christians who demonstrate the love of Christ through care and hospitality.



Mon, May 10

"...but the greatest of these is love." 1 Cor. 13:13


Most often, It is neither our skillful rhetoric nor our impassioned argument that will break down the walls of resistance in our Muslim neighbors. Rather, it is simply love. The love of Christ, expressed through His servants, can be one of our most powerful tools, allowing us to declare the Gospel by demonstration, as well as by proclamation.


Today, please pray that Muslims in your community will encounter the powerful love of Christ, expressed in and through His church. Pray for opportunities to demonstrate that love to Muslims.


For an encouraging account of love overcoming even the hardest heart, check out the following story:

Medieval Castle


Sunday, May 9

"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." Ephesians 6:12


As we pray for Muslims during Ramadan, we must remember that there are powerful strongholds, spiritual forces that are holding them in bondage. We have powerful weapons in our arsenal, however. The sword of the Spirit, our witness, our prayer, the love of Christ demonstrated through us...through these we have power to demolish strongholds.


As you pray for Muslims in your community, pray that the stranglehold of Islam would be broken in their lives.


For an example of the Lord breaking strongholds in the Muslim world, check out the following story:

Cafe Interior


Saturday, May 8

"I have called you friends..."

John 15:15

One of the most effective tools we have for reaching Muslims with the love of Christ is our friendship. Social networks can be an important part of maintaining/affirming belief systems, but new friendships can open hearts and minds.


Today, pray for increased friendships between Christians and Muslims in your city. Pray for opportunities for the Lord's people to demonstrate the love of Christ to their Muslim neighbors. Pray for Muslims to be drawn to Christ through these friendships. Finally, ask the Lord to give YOU an opportunity to build friendships with Muslims in your community


For an encouraging story of a friendship that resulted in eternal life, check out the following story:

Dark Clouds


Friday, May 7

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12


When Christians go through trials and tribulations in a God-honoring way, it can be a powerful witness. When we trust Him through the storm, and honor Him - through pain, through doubts and fears, we are declaring to the world that our God is faithful and that Jesus is the author and perfecter of our faith.

Today, pray that Muslims in your community will encounter Christians who suffer faithfully. Pray that they will see the the true anchor that keeps us tethered in the storm. Pray that they will see that through faith in Jesus, God is present in our trials and gives the supernatural ability to be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer!


For encouragement through the trial, check out the following blog post through the "Read More" button:




Thurs, May 6

"For the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."

Hebrews 4:12


The powerful and life-changing Word of God reaches hearts and souls in a way that transcends cultures and identities. Today, please pray that Muslims in your town will encounter the Word of God. Beyond this, pray that the Bibles will be available in their own heart language. Pray that the Word will take root in their hearts and that the Spirit will convict them of its truth. 


For a beautiful testimony of a Muslim encountering the Word in his heart language, please click HERE or on the below "Read More" link.

Arch Window


Wed, May 5

'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams." Acts 2:17

Sabina looked down at her hands as she continued: "Jesus never appeared to me in a dream. I really doubted my salvation because of it. Everyone else was having dreams of the man in white, why not me?" 


Dreams of Jesus are such a common experience in some Muslim conversion stories that it is sometimes considered strange to NOT have a dream. Today, pray that the Lord will send dreams of Jesus to Muslims in your community. Pray that He will send people to help explain and confirm the dreams. Pray that this will be a catalyst for a great end-times harvest!


For the rest of Sabina's story, check out the following link:

The Leap


Tuesday, May 4

"Jesus answered 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6


The Gospel is powerful, more so than we often realize. We don't need great rhetorical skill, a background in apologetics, or any special training to preach the good news to Muslims in our community. We just need to tell them the good news, that Jesus died to pay the penalty for their sins, and that he rose again, so that all he put their faith in Him can walk in newness of life.


Today, pray that Muslims in your community will encounter a clear and concise Gospel presentation. Ask the Holy Spirit to confirm the Truth and to show them the Way. Finally, ask that they are attracted to the Life that is found in the Gospel.


For an encouraging story of a clear presentation of the Gospel leading to eternal life for one young man from muslim North Africa, check out the following story:



Monday, May 3

"And they continued steadfastly in the Apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers...and the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved."

Acts 2:42,47


Loving Christian fellowship and community an be a powerful blessing in our lives, and can also be intensely attractive to the unsaved. In the early church, Bible study, fellowship, sharing a meal, and prayer were the core of a community that saw people saved on a daily basis, and the same can be true today.

Today, please pray that Muslims in your city will encounter genuine Gospel community, and the love of Christ that is the mark of the Lord's people. Pray that they will be drawn to the Spirit of the Lord that they encounter in His people.

For a beautiful account of a Muslim coming to faith in Christ through Gospel community, check out the following story:  



Sunday, May 2

We are approaching the final week of Ramadan, a month-long period of fasting and prayer in Islam. We ask that you continue to intercede for Muslims in your community:

That they encounter Jesus:

  • through His Word

  • through dreams

  • through evangelists and missionaries

  • through technology

  • through the love of Christ displayed in and through the Church

Will you intercede for His lost ones? Is it possible that God is waiting for your prayers to move in the life of one of His lost sheep?


For further reading:



Saturday, May 1

"Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32


The politicized form of Islam that has been such a feature of modern history has turned many away from Islam. Even where Political Islam is not a major feature, many have found that Islam does not answer their questions, nor does it provide the peace, meaning, or purpose they seek.


Today, please pray that Muslims in your city would recognize the failures of Islam. Pray that they would have the courage to ask the hard questions and would seek truth.


For further reading, check out the following blog post:

Sat on the Rocks


Friday, April 30

"...He will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgement." John 16:8


Our most loving acts of service coupled with our most skilled and passionate presentation of the Gospel will still fail without the Holy Spirit working in the hearts of the hearers. Only He can break down the walls and soften hearts.

Today, please ask the Holy Spirit to work in the lives of Muslims in your community, to convict them of their need for Him and to confirm the Truth to them. 


For a further discussion of how the Holy Spirit works in our depths, check out the following blog:



Thursday, April 29

"Preach the Word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching." 2 Timothy 4:2


Are you prepared to tell your Muslim neighbors about Jesus? Today, as you intercede for Muslims in your community, pray that Christians would be prepared to share the Gospel, both through proclamation, but also by demonstration as the love of Christ is expressed through our friendship, fellowship, and care. Pray that the Lord would teach us how best to communicate the Gospel to a Muslim audience. Pray that The Lord would prepare the soil so that Muslims would be receptive to the good news. Finally, ask that God would give you an opportunity to tell Muslims in your city about Jesus!


For an encouraging example of being prepared to share the Gospel with Muslims in the most unexpected place, check out the following story:

Read More
Picked Red Apples


Wednesday, April 28

"I have called you friends..."

John 15:15

One of the most effective tools we have for reaching Muslims with the love of Christ is our friendship. Social networks can be an important part of maintaining/affirming belief systems, but new friendships can open hearts and minds.


Today, pray for increased friendships between Christians and Muslims in your city. Pray for opportunities for the Lord's people to demonstrate the love of Christ to their Muslim neighbors. Pray for Muslims to be drawn to Christ through these friendships. Finally, ask the Lord to give YOU an opportunity to build friendships with Muslims in your community


For an encouraging story of a friendship that resulted in eternal life, check out the following story:

Story Time


Tuesday, April 27

"Jesus spoke all these things to the crowd in parables; he did not say anything to them without using a parable." Matthew 13:34


A culture of story-telling tends to be an important feature of Islamic civilization. King Jesus is a master story-teller, and the parables of Jesus communicate truths that can lay us bare. 


Pray that Muslims in your city would encounter the great story-telling tradition recorded in the Gospels and that the Holy Spirit would draw them to Jesus through the powerful accounts of His life and ministry, as well as His own parables recorded in the Gospels.


For further reading about the powerful role of parables and stories in reaching Muslims, check out the following story:



Monday, April 26

"And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs. Amen." (Mark 16:20)


As we enter into the third week of Ramadan, remember that it is the Holy Spirit Himself who must move in the hearts of Muslims, drawing them, convicting them of sin, and showing them the truth.


Today, ask the Lord to confirm the Word to Muslims in your community, through signs and miracles, through answered prayers, through His love expressed through His people, through dreams and visions, through intellectual engagement, and through the Word itself.

Baku Bible.JPG


Sunday, April 25

"Ask of Me and I will give You the nations for your inheritance..." Psalm 2:8


Today there are many nationalities, ethnicities, and languages descended from the original nomadic Turkic tribes. From the Mediterranean coast to the steppes of Central Asia, the history of the various Turkic peoples is historically tied to civilizational conflict between Christians and Muslims.


Today, please pray for Turkic peoples in your community. Ask the Lord to open their hearts and overcome issues of historical identity that have been such an obstacle for so many. Ask the Lord to send more laborers into their home countries, so that they may hear the Gospel from their own people.


For an account of a significant Gospel movement currently happening in a Turkic country, check out the following  story:



Saturday, April 24

"Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown." Matthew 13:8

Today, we ask you to intercede for Arabs in your city. Arabic hospitality is legendary, and many Americans are surprised at the warmth, openness, and hospitality of their Arab neighbors.


For many Arabs, Islam is a fundamental core of an ethno-linguistic identity that informs their very being. This identity is challenged when they are considering the Gospel. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will overcome this obstacle for Arabs in your city and will draw them to Jesus



Friday, April 23

"perfect love casts out fear..."

1 John 4:18

Today I ask you to pray for Iranians in your community. Most Iranians are nominal Muslims but we have found that many are open to the Gospel. A murderous Islamic regime has fostered a great deal of fear and mistrust amongst Iranians but pray that the Holy Spirit will break through the hard shell of mistrust. Pray that Iranians will find peace and joy in the Lord, and most of all that they find that perfect love that  casts out fear.


For a beautiful story of an Iranian who came to know that perfect love, check out the following story:



Thursday, April 22

"Be strong and of good courage..." Joshua 1:6

When a Muslim begins to seriously consider the message of the cross, it is more than simply a religious belief that they are considering. Issues of family honor, national identity, and social order are all tied up in Islam. It takes a great deal of courage to begin to ask the hard questions that come along with the Gospel.


Pray that God will give great courage to those who are wrestling with the truth. Pray that the Holy Spirit will confirm the truth and will strengthen their mind and spirit, drawing them to Jesus.


bread and fish.jpg


Wednesday, April 21

Across the Islamic world, hospitality is a critically important virtue. We cannot expect Muslims to open their hearts to the Good News we are sharing if we are not willing to open our homes and our tables to them. Oftentimes a Gospel witness starts with a shared meal or even tea or coffee with sweets. When we break earthly bread together, peoples hearts are much more open to the Bread of Life that is being freely offered.


As you pray today for Muslims in your community, pray for Christians to be more open and hospitable. Pray for opportunities for friendship and hospitality that will provide opportunities for Gospel engagement, first by demonstration, then by proclamation. Pray for open hearts.


To read more about the role of food and hospitality in ministry, please check out the following story:


Woman with Bible


Tuesday, April 20

"Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up." Luke 18:1


As you intercede today for Muslims in your community, remember that the Lord hears and answers our prayers! Even when things seem impossible for us, all things are possible for Him who created the heavens and the earth. Like the "persistent widow" we must continue to "always pray and not give up," however.  Please continue to pray that the holy Spirit will reveal Jesus to Muslims during this Ramadan season.


For an encouraging example of a Muslim coming to faith in Jesus after persistent intercession, please check out the following story by clicking HERE or on the following link:



Monday, April 19

"For the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."

Hebrews 4:12


The powerful and life-changing Word of God reaches hearts and souls in a way that transcends cultures and identities. Today, please pray that Muslims in your town will encounter the Word of God. Beyond this, pray that the Bibles will be available in their own heart language. Pray that the Word will take root in their hearts and that the Spirit will convict them of its truth. 


For a beautiful testimony of a Muslim encountering the Word in his heart language, please click HERE or on the below "Read More" link.


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