"And will God not bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night?" Luke 18:7
We are entering into the final week of Ramadan, a month-long period of fasting and prayer in Islam. During this time, many Muslims genuinely seek after God. We have been praying that they will encounter Jesus during this time, that the Living God will reveal Himself through dreams and visions, through His Word, through evangelists and missionaries, through technology, and through the love of Christ displayed in and through the Church.

One area that we have focused our prayers is in intercession for our Muslim friends and neighbors in our community. The processes of globalization have brought peoples and cultures into increasing contact. American universities are full of students from all over the world, allowing us to have an amazing geographical reach in our ministry. We have many Muslim friends, neighbors, and students, many of whom are very interested in the Gospel. They are engaging in Bible studies and are open to the Lord.
Will you pray with us that they will encounter Him? During this time of Ramadan, our prayers are more focused, but we will continue in prayer even afterwards. I am often reminded of the persistent widow. She continued to bring her petition , even when it appeared that it was in vain. In the same way, we will continue to intercede for our lost friends, and ask that you stand in prayer with us.
Pray for your Muslim neighbors! Pray that they will encounter the Living God. Pray that they will come to know the King of kings, the Lord Jesus. He loves them so much He suffered and died for them. Will you tell them?
Do you have Muslims in your community? During this final week of Ramadan, come before the Living God on their behalf. Ask Him to send them dreams of Jesus. Ask that He will put people in their path to lead them to Christ. Pray that the Word of God will be made available in their heart language. Ask the Holy Spirit to convict them and to prepare their hearts to receive the truth. Please pray for us also, that we will be effective in the work He has given us and that He will continue to bear fruit through us.
Thank you for your prayers. We are looking for prayer warriors that will commit to standing with us in prayer and to support our ministry through intercession. Will you commit to pray for us and for those who will come to know the Lord through us?
Please read about our work and you can join our prayer community here:
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