"Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's will that prevails."
Proverbs 19:21
I chuckled a little bit when I read that scripture this morning. In the midst of a global pandemic that has halted commerce, changed the political landscape, and generally messed up people's plans all over the globe, it is good to know that it is the Lord's plan that is prevailing!
I know it may not seem like that at times. It is important to recognize that many people are dealing with fear right now. Beyond that, many are sick and many more are struggling financially through this crisis. Moreover, loneliness is a very real issue for many. Despite this, we can know that God is good and that his plans are good. He is accomplishing good things through what many of us experience as a crisis.

In Psalm 107, the storms at sea cause the sailors to cry out to God. In response to their prayer He calms the storm, bringing peace to their situation and calming their fear. In the same way, our heavenly Father uses problems in this world to cause His lost children to turn to Him. In Him they can find redemption... Peace... Joy... Fulfilled purpose. These are what the Lord desires for His children, and it is HIS plan that is prevailing!
If you are experiencing doubt, fear, or loneliness today, please know that God is ready to calm that storm in your life. And we must all remember that God uses us in other people's lives. Encourage someone today. Meet a need. Reach out to someone that you haven't spoken to in awhile, or that you know may appreciate some encouragement.
Please contact us if we can pray for you, or just to say hi!